M.Sc or CISSP?
Information Security specialists are in high demand and this is proven by the 0% unemployment rate in this industry worldwide. There are roles for everyone from any skilled background. If you are theoretical and enjoy writing and communicating you may consider cyber journalism or policy writing; if you are more mathematical then cryptography may flow your boat; or any number of security testing, legal, technological roles could appeal and suit you. As you can see, they are a wealth of roles out there.
Companies want specialists and will want their potential employee to be qualified in Information Security.
Companies want specialists and will want their potential employee to be qualified in Information Security.
I am doing the M.Sc, whereas many of my peers have done the CISSP; and many recruiters request candidates to be CISSP qualified.
Are MSc students doing the wrong course?
The problem when applying for jobs (this is noticeable with recruitment agencies) is Human Resources (HR) do not make the effort to understand the academic qualification of the MSc and in some cases are not even aware of the MSc.
CISSP is a tick in the box for lazy recruiters so has the value when HR or recruitment agencies are sifting candidates. It also instills a bit of CPD discipline to maintain it. However, it only demonstrates a broad grasp of all the information security concepts compared to the M.Sc. The M.Sc demonstrates depth in a chosen area and, crucially, the ability to research in the wider field.
Students who have done the M.Sc and quickly studied for the CISSP have not learnt much new.
It is recommended where you see a position that requires a CISSP qualification to contact the recruiter and inform them how your M.Sc is just as good as the CISSP. Better still, contact the Information Security manager in the organisation and inform them about your experience and your application so the manager will ensure you pass the HR recruitment sift.
If you are a recruiter or an Information Security manager: please add the MSc qualification to your list of qualification you expect from your candidates.
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